The real story of Noah according to Jean Vaughn Allen

 There's these "Two Creation" that God made...... One was on the "Physical Earth Realm", and the other one was on the "Spiritual Earth Realm"..... where Adam and Eve were created......👽🙂🙂🙂

And this "Spiritual Earth Realm" is connected to the 4th Dimensional Paradise called "Outer Earth Agartha..... where all recently-discovered animal and insect species came from!👽👽👽............

The "Greatest Deception of All Time"... is that people really "don't want to ACCEPT the Fact that there's this "LAW OF NATURE and ORDER", "LAW OF THE UNIVERSE", and "LAW OF GOD"...... which all the Watchers in Heavens "NEEDS TO FOLLOW", and that "All Forbidden Knowledges" cannot be "tolerated" to be teach to Humans who doesn't know the Real Truth about the Real Evil and Truthful Good........

God does not "want" the Process to be like "INSTANT", and that in a single day or the whole week, all the Knowledge in the whole Universe will just simply put into the minds of the Humans He created..... for He want Humans to "LEARN" step-by-step, and little-by-little.... all the things, those that bounded with Evil which were prohibited, and things which are good to take in, practice and apply in everyday living.... which people/humans are freely "allowed" to use and apply in every aspects of their life.........

What the Evil Watchers had done "VIOLATES" all the Rules of Law.... which God cannot tolerate, and He will surely not let all these disobedience to ever go on, so that Humans will no longer going to follow their footsteps, like all the disobedience with God they have shown.......

So, in order for these things to be put in natural order and recorrect things, God has to "wipe out" all the Creatures that practiced all the Forbidden Knowledge that Evil Watchers had taught them, like Sorcery, Warfare, Game of Killing, Raping of Victims, Mass Murder/Massacre, Gluttony, Selfishness/Self-Centeredness, Self-Adoration, and all kinds of Evil Things that the Evil Watchers do and teach to Humanity....

So, He decided to wipe out everything with a single blow of killing everyone and everything, including the Evil Watchers and their Offsprings Nephilim (Sons) and Sirens (Daughters).......... And that there should be a great price to pay for all the killings they've committed....

.., and that only few Chosen Ones need to be saved in order for the Cleansing of the Land to establish....... It was through the "Great Flood" the only way to wipe out everything and perform the cleansing of the Land, which happened to be had taken place 12,000 Years Ago....... And that the Blessed Family of Noah, the Son of a Good Watcher..... "survived" the Great Deluge.... that helped in the cleansing of the Land...........👽👽👽

Noah's Ark was built by the Watchers and Noah himself....... For Noah was a Son of an Extraterrestrial Watcher, which reached the height of "8 Feet", while the Watchers stood "25 Feet Tall"...... so, it really was "possible" to build the Ship (Ark) as huge as the Biggest Shopping Mall in the Whole World!👽👽👽👽............

Using the Multiverse System Technology.... some were able to "calculate" when the Great Flood would come or happen........ All the Extraterrestrial Visitors, Star Beings, and Future Time-travelling Humans "LEFT" the Earth before the Great Flood came, which happened in 10,000 BC.👽👽👽

The Dodos (Raphus ratitae) survived the Great Flood.... 12,000 Years Ago...... because other Animal Species including Native Aborigines... were "SAVED" by the Good Watchers..... as these Watchers made ahead of time, mountain and cliff dwellings 600 Feet to 800 Feet of altitude, which did not reached by the 400-Feet Great Flood!

One of the Evidences of the Existence of Great Flood..... is the Sphinx, which was erected or made 50,000 Years Ago... before the Great Flood happened, and the erosion on the Egyptian Sphinx indicates that there was a Great Flood that happened before.......👽👽👽


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